Among all the powerful abilities of Ruby Enumerators, one of their most useful usage is to customize what gets enumerated.
For instance, by default #each
will yield the elements of the enumeration, one by one:
array = ["apple", "banana", "grape"]
array.each do |value|
puts "${value}"
# "apple"
# "banana"
# "grape"
In some cases, however, we may also need the index of the element being enumerated.
For this, we can use Enumerator#with_index
. It turns an existing enumerator into one that also yields the index:
array.each.with_index do |value, index|
puts "${index}: ${value}"
# "1: apple"
# "2: banana"
# "3: grape"
The neat thing: this works for any enumerator! For instance, if you’re not enumerating using #each
, but rather using #map
or #filter
, the usage is the same: do |value, index|
"${index}. ${value.uppercase}"
# ["1. APPLE", "2. BANANA", "3. GRAPE"]
How to craft your own enumerator helpers
Recently, I wanted to enumerate the pixels of an image.
The pixels are represented a single-dimensional array of integers:
# [998367, 251482, 4426993, 777738, ... ]
However, in my case, I want to perform different operations depending on the pixel coordinates.
Of course, we can compute the coordinates in the loop itself: do |pixel, i|
x = i % image.width
y = i / image.width
pixel * ((x + y) / 100.0) # brighten from top-left to bottom-right
But there has to be a better way. What if we could substitute the enumerator’s .with_index
by something like .with_coordinates
First, I needed a quick refresher on how to write a method that enumerates on values. AppSignal’s article on Enumerators is quite a good read there.
So, our method just need to yield the values one-by-one, and that’s it? Let’s try this.
We’re going to re-open the Enumerator
class, and add a #with_coordinates(width, &block)
class Enumerator
def with_coordinates(width, &block)
each.with_index do |value, i|
x = i % width
y = i / width
yield value, x, y
When called, Enumerator#with_coordinates
will invoke its block once for each of the enumerator values - passing the coordinates along.
Let’s see how it is used: do |pixel, x, y|
pixel * ((x + y) / 100.0) # brighten from top-left to bottom-right
The coordinates computation are pushed away from the block, the code is nicer… Good work.
Plus #with_coordinates
works not only for #each
, but for any enumerator – juste like #with_index
Method chaining on enumerators
There’s only one caveat though: in Ruby, enumerators support method chaining.
That is, instead of passing a block to the enumerator, we can instead call methods on it. Like this:
.with_object("filename.png") do |pixel, i, path|
puts "Pixel at #{path}:#{i} => #{pixel}" if i = 5
# "Pixel at filename.png:5 => 1962883"
But if we try this with our current implementation of Enumerator#with_coordinates
, we get:
.with_object("filename.png") do |pixel, x, y, path|
puts "Pixel at #{path}:#{x}:#{y} => #{pixel}" if i = 5
# in `block in with_coordinates': no block given (yield)
# (LocalJumpError)
Makes sense: our helper yields to a block, but Ruby complains that none was provided.
To fix this, we’ll need to return an Enumerator
instance when our #with_coordinates
function is called without a block.
Let’s modify our implementation of Enumerator#with_coordinates
class Enumerator
def with_coordinates(width, &block)
+ if block_given?
each.with_index do |value, i|
x = i % width
y = i / width
yield value, x, y
+ else
+ do |y|
+ with_coordinates(width, &y)
+ end
And there we have it: using the block-less form will return a new Enumerator.
# <#Enumerator: ...>
Which means we can properly chain #with_coordinates
with further methods now:
.with_object("filename.png") do |pixel, x, y, path|
puts "Pixel at #{path}:#{x}:#{y} => #{pixel}" if i = 5
# "Pixel at filename.png:1:1 => 1962883"
And that concludes our short side-quest on implementing Enumerator helpers in Ruby. It feels very expressive; and I like how we can make our custom helpers as powerful as the native ones.
Happy enumerating!
To become a better developer, they say, read a lot of code. Although we, as a profession, often find more enjoyable to write a hundred lines of code rather than read ten, this advice stands more than ever. So let’s explore some codebases, starting with Rails applications.
Last june, 37signals released a new product, Writebook – free of charge, and full source code included. An excellent occasion to see how the company that initiated Ruby on Rails writes code.
I’ve downloaded and run the app, explored the source code, and took some notes. Here are my takes on this code base.
What is Writebook
Writebook is a web app for publishing book-like content on the web. Books supports pages composed in Markdown, sections separators, and full-page pictures.
Writebook’s presentation on 37signals website will show you how the app looks like, and what it does. I recommend you to have a short look at this presentation, to know what we’re talking about – then come back to this article.
How to obtain the code
Writebook is free, but its code is not truly open-source. You are allowed to read the code, and to make modifications, but not to publish them, or to re-use part of the code in another product.
This means the code is not hosted in a public repository (for instance on GitHub). Instead, once you “purchase” the application (for free), you get access to a zip file containing the full source code.
Exploring the code
The stack
- Rails, directly on the trunk
- Database: SQLite
- Webserver: Puma
- Templating: ERB
- Javascript: propshaft, import-maps, Stimulus
- Tests: Minitest
Controller methods are reduced to their shortest expression. Most action methods are only a few-lines long:
class BooksController < ApplicationController
def index
@books = Book.accessable_or_published.ordered
def new
@book =
def create
book = Book.create! book_params
redirect_to book_slug_url(book)
To support these short controller methods, many pre-checks are extracted to callbacks:
class BooksController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_book, only: %i[ show edit update destroy ]
before_action :set_users, only: %i[ new edit ]
before_action :ensure_editable, only: %i[ edit update destroy ]
Some of them are further extracted into concerns – like UserScoped
, BookScoped
, which contain methods like before_action :set_user
, etc.
No model validations means that most controllers simply use exception-throwing methods (like update!
), and propagate the exception in case of invalid data. There’s no need to handle the failure case explicitely, which helps to make the methods shorter.
My take: I wonder if this approach of simplifying all controller code by removing error handling is workable in larger-scale apps. Maybe letting the browser handle required fields and formats is sufficient, but I’m not fully conviced yet.
- Templating language used: ERB.
- Accessibility gets quite some attention: there’s
attributes, a for-screen-reader
CSS class, and so on.
- Views are cached using the
- Many views make a liberal use of
, for configuring :title
, :head
, :header
, :footer
, and so on.
- Icons are displayed using small SVG files (that may be colored using CSS and the
- The Markdown editor is based on
, but doesn’t use Trix
(ActionText’s defaut editor). Instead, it uses House
, a new internal editor from 37signals. The editor is vendored as a single vendor/house.min.js
- Language used: plain CSS (no SCSS or similar things).
- Stylesheets closely matching a single component use a loose BEM syntax (like
- But stylesheets for more global layout are more a mixed bag of classes,
rules and :is
scopes (see assets/pages.css
is used everywhere. allow_browser versions: :modern
is used to restrict access to browsers that support it.
- Dark-mode is implemented.
- Framework used: Hotwire (Turbo, Stimulus)
- No Javascript bundler; all import maps.
- There is quite a lot of Javascript: around 20 Stimulus controllers, some of them quite meaty.
- A lot of custom code too. For instance, re-organizing pages using drag-dropping is a fully custom implementation (
, a ~250 lines Stimulus controller). No external library is used for the drag-n-drop code.
- Use of “modern” Javascript facilities: lot of
, #privateMethods
, and so on.
- Quite a lot of turbo-frames, used to refresh small form elements (like the “Publish” toggle).
- A handful of manual turbo-streams; mostly to add, move or delete pages.
- Page updates are broadcasted to all editors using
, to add a small “This page is being edited by another editor” indicator on the page. The code to support this in leafables_controller.rb
is surprisingly small.
- The design language feels quite nice. It recalls Basecamp: round buttons, horizontally-centered controls, few borders and mostly plain-page aligned elements.
- Test framework: Minitest
- Test data are generated using static YML files in
(rather than factories)
- The app is well tested, but there isn’t a ton of test either. Most of them are model tests, and controller test (as
) tests.
- Only two system tests, for testing editing a page and publishing a book.
- Many tests use the
and assert_difference
- Test cases are surprisingly short and concise. I guess preloaded fixtures really help there.
is also very short, almost no configuration.
- A handful of files look extracted from other 37signals applications. I’m thinking about
(implements a list with customized ordering), the authentification and session code, things like this.
There is not a single comment in the code. None. The only comments are in Rails-generated boilerplate.
My take: it looks like that the general philosophy is to have methods and variables named sufficiently clearly to make comments unnecessary. I disagree: sometimes why the code does something can’t be captured by naming alone.
Authentification and sessions don’t use any external gem (like devise
). Instead the app declares its own SessionsController
and AuthenticationConcern
. The actual Sessions are stored in a dedicated database table.
My take: the code of this authentication infrastructure is surprisingly light and clear – but non-trivial nonetheless. I guess the benefits of writing your own code is that you don’t pay the price for the full configurability and extra levels of indirection of an external library.
- The source files tend to push complexity outward. Something becomes hairy? Move it to an external concern, or a Rails framework extension. This is probably also how Rails is built: by pushing into Rails the complexity of 37signal apps.
I’m amazed by the terseness and concision of the code base. Methods are short, and don’t leak complexity everywhere. That said, there’s a real business complexity in some parts: digging in the complexities of the Leafable
model or the drag-dropping Javascript code can take a while. Short code isn’t always easy to read, but it feels simple, and not overwhelming.
The terseness of the code also comes from the use of Rails by Rails creators. They know the framework by heart, use it to the maximum, and push code to the framework when needed. After reading this code base, I think more of Rails as 37signal’s public web framework.
This codebase also embodies Rails as a one-person framework: a single developper, knowing the inside of the framework perfectly well, can write an ambitious web app using all the available resources Rails has to offer.
Next, I consider exploring other large Rails codebases: GitLab, Mastodon, maybe others. Let’s see where it goes.
En cherchant un siège-enfant qui rentre dans un Véligo cargo, je me suis rendu compte qu’il était difficile de trouver en ligne les dimensions précises de la caisse de chaque vélo (biporteur ou triporteur).
Voici donc les relevés des dimensions de chaque caisse.
Véligo biporteur
Véligo triporteur
After two years of waiting, a new progress report for the Zelda: Link’s Awakening disassembly is finally published!
To celebrate this, I took the time to move this series of articles to its own dedicated website: the Link’s Awakening disassembly blog. Of course, the former URLs now redirect to these new pages.
This move makes subscribing to new disassembly-related articles easier, since only relevant Link’s Awakening content will be published.
And meanwhile my own blog will resume to more random and personal stuff.
Un poème de Bernard Dimey, que j’ai eu du mal à trouver facilement en ligne :
Paris, mon camarade, pour causer, faut connaître,
Faut s’y prom’ner la nuit, faut s’y fair’ des copains,
Faut s’offrir du bitume, en faire des kilomètres,
Y’aura toujours un pote pour t’offrir un bout de pain.
Paris, si tu connais c’est comme un’ cour d’école,
T’es tout partout chez toi si t’as l’coeur bien placé,
Si jamais t’as l’bourdon, va voir ceux qui rigolent
Et tu verras, l’soleil y en a toujours assez.
Paris, mon camarade, c’est pas tout c’qu’on raconte,
C’est pas les bulldozers, c’est pas la Tour Machin,
C’est un coeur qui s’allume au hasard des rencontres,
C’est le petit bistrot où vont tous les copains ;
Paris, si tu connais, c’est le vent dans les voiles,
Romeo et Juliette en blue-jeans à midi,
C’est le clodo Marcel qui dort sous les étoiles ;
Y a de l’Enfer, c’est sûr, mais il y du Paradis.
Paris, mon camarade, si tu connais, c’est chouette,
C’est toujours aussi bon, quand j’fous l’camp, quand j’reviens,
C’est le sourire en coin quand le cafard me guette,
C’est l’Opéra d’quat’ sous qu’est pas fait pour les chiens,
C’est le seul cinéma où y a jamais d’entracte,
Où j’ai tous mes amours et j’espère vraiment
M’offrir un soir la joie d’y jouer mon dernier acte
Et d’être parisien jusqu’au dernier moment.
Bernard Dimey, récité par Bernard Beaufrère