Exploring Rails codebases: Writebook

24 juillet 2024

To become a better developer, they say, read a lot of code. Although we, as a profession, often find more enjoyable to write a hundred lines of code rather than read ten, this advice stands more than ever. So let’s explore some codebases, starting with Rails applications.

Last june, 37signals released a new product, Writebook – free of charge, and full source code included1. An excellent occasion to see how the company that initiated Ruby on Rails writes code.

I’ve downloaded and run the app, explored the source code, and took some notes. Here are my takes on this code base.

What is Writebook

Writebook is a web app for publishing book-like content on the web. Books supports pages composed in Markdown, sections separators, and full-page pictures.

Writebook’s presentation on 37signals website will show you how the app looks like, and what it does. I recommend you to have a short look at this presentation, to know what we’re talking about – then come back to this article.

How to obtain the code

Writebook is free, but its code is not truly open-source. You are allowed to read the code, and to make modifications, but not to publish them, or to re-use part of the code in another product.

This means the code is not hosted in a public repository (for instance on GitHub). Instead, once you “purchase” the application (for free), you get access to a zip file containing the full source code2.

Exploring the code

The stack









Some global remarks


I’m amazed by the terseness and concision of the code base. Methods are short, and don’t leak complexity everywhere. That said, there’s a real business complexity in some parts: digging in the complexities of the Leafable model or the drag-dropping Javascript code can take a while. Short code isn’t always easy to read, but it feels simple, and not overwhelming.

The terseness of the code also comes from the use of Rails by Rails creators. They know the framework by heart, use it to the maximum, and push code to the framework when needed. After reading this code base, I think more of Rails as 37signal’s public web framework.

This codebase also embodies Rails as a one-person framework: a single developper, knowing the inside of the framework perfectly well, can write an ambitious web app using all the available resources Rails has to offer.

Next, I consider exploring other large Rails codebases: GitLab, Mastodon, maybe others. Let’s see where it goes.

  1. More precisely, Writebook’s source code is available – but not open source. As the FAQ states, “While you are free to review the code and make modifications to Writebook for your own use, you can not use or repurpose the code for your own purposes outside Writebook.” 

  2. The “source available” nature of Writebook means that this article cannot link to the actual code: it would have to be hosted publicly, which is not allowed under Writebook’s license. 


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J’écris des sites web, des logiciels, des applications mobiles. Vous me trouverez essentiellement sur ce blog, mais aussi sur Mastodon, parmi les Codeurs en Liberté, ou en haut d’une colline du nord-est de Paris.